Data protection policy/terms and conditions for the use of Jobzone's website and recruitment/job-hunting services
This informational text provides in-depth information about how Jobzone uses and protects your data and your rights.
We are committed to protecting the personal data and privacy of those who visit our website and who wish to make use of our systems. Jobzone is a modern recruitment service that is continuously working to improve and to make use of new computer technology. That is why we also wish to brief users of our website and our services on any upcoming changes that expand our duty to disclose information in accordance with the data protection regulations. We will send such briefings to the email address you provide when you sign up.
You are welcome to use our website and our services as often as you please. By using the website and our services, you agree to the terms and conditions of use. Below are the terms and conditions that apply to the use of the Jobzone’s website and our services, the latter of which are partly automated and partly manual. Jobzone has the right to remove your data and profile if the information you provide is not in accordance with the terms and conditions of use, as described here.
Personal data
Jobzone adheres to the current regulations regarding personal data. You do not need to register or transmit data about yourself except when you specifically wish to apply for one or more positions, but the more completely you fill out your profile, the more positions we can match you with.
Jobzone Norway AS (PO Box 4542, Nydalen, 0404 Oslo) is responsible for processing your personal data. The purpose of Jobzone’s processing of your personal data is to provide a digital recruitment service. The legal basis for Jobzone’s processing of your personal information is Article 6, no. 1B of the GDPR (data required to fulfil a contractual agreement).
You have the right to inspect which personal data (about you) are in Jobzone’s possession. Incorrect or misleading information will be corrected or deleted at your request. If you disagree with the content of the data, you also have the right to limit our use of said data for a certain period of time. You have the right to know where the data come from and to whom they are communicated. In the instance of automated decisions, you also have the right to demand human intervention. The 20th of July, 2018, EU's new data protection regulation took effect, which gives you the right to have your personal information ported. If you wish to exercise your rights, you can contact You also have the right to file complaints about the improper use of personal data with the Data Protection Authority.
You can request that your profile (and thus your personal data) be deleted at any time. Pursuant to the Working Environment Act, if you have received one or more work assignments through Jobzone after 01.01.2010, you are to be considered as employed by Jobzone even after the assignment is completed, until such time as you personally terminate the employment relationship. If you wish to delete your profile after you completed your assignment with us, that means that you also terminate the formal employment relationship – you will also receive a reminder of this fact when you request deletion. The Taxation Act, the Act on Employer Reporting of Employment, etc. require us to store information related to wages, taxes, pension, etc for five to ten years after the employment relationship has ended. Moreover, we follow HR Norway's guidelines regarding data related to employment relationships.
How Jobzone's services work, and how they use personal data
By registering on the website, you can apply for jobs both at Jobzone and from employers who use our services. You can apply for a single position or post an open application by signing up and filling out your profile. In order to help you fulfil your wishes regarding employment, your information will be stored and processed in Jobzone’s internal computer systems. If you only apply for a single position, you can choose whether you want to be considered for other positions as well.
In order to ensure the best possible matches between job seekers and employers, Jobzone works continuously to modernise the application processes. Jobzone conducts an automated job analysis for assignments in which the main work tasks of the position are identified. For each work task, a determination is made regarding the type of experience, level of expertise, education, personal characteristics, and other attributes that are required to perform it well. These elements are weighted by importance, creating a full picture of the characteristics of the job applicant who has the best prerequisites (highest match score) for succeeding and thriving in the job. The system will then search the database for job seekers that match the criteria. The search is based on the information applicants themselves have added to the system, such as their personal details, CV, etc. If job seekers who have taken a voluntary and consent-based personality/aptitude test (typically to assess numeracy and verbal abilities), these results will also be used for matching assignments and job seekers. For some positions, it is appropriate to conduct voluntary and consent-based work tests.
As part of the application process, our caseworkers will perform a manual evaluation of applicants with the best match score. This process allows us to present the positions that best suit your skills and characteristics as a job seeker. This also improves your chances of getting the job/assignment when you apply for the positions the system suggests.
For every time sheet period, clients are given the opportunity to provide a review/rating of the performance of the employee from Jobzone, and this feedback will be added to the database so that it can be taken into in the development of the system at the general level, by including the assessment as part of the learning basis when the machine learning must identify the links between the characteristics/skills/experience on the one hand and the degree of success with specific work tasks and for the individual job seeker/candidate. An average rating from all the evaluations will be included as part of the calculation of the “match score”, which is what determines which candidates are ranked highest on the list of good matches for a position when our consultants enter an assignment in the system. Of course, expertise, experience and personal qualities are given the most weight. It is only in the second round that this rating will be taken into account, such that if two candidates have otherwise equal scores, the one with the highest average rating (that is, the best average feedback from clients) will be placed in front of the other on the list.
Who has access to the information?
You’re the one who registers, updates, and deletes the information in our database.
We encourage everyone who is registered with us to regularly update their user profile so that we always have the correct information. Jobzone’s employees who work with staffing and recruiting temps have access to your data, and in order to be able to introduce job seekers to potential employers, it is necessary to disclose your registered data to our clients. We will never disclose details from the personality-/aptitude or work tests to our clients without your consent, but they will receive a summary and the results will be included as part of the overall assessment.
When assignments/positions that match your expertise and experience become available, we will present the client with a selection of the most qualified candidates for the position in question.
In connection with IT operations and service launches, and in connection with wages/taxes/pensions, we use subcontractors that may need to process your relevant personal data. In such cases, we make sure that the providers are subject to contract mechanisms that ensure the protection of your personal data. To fulfil Jobzone’s legal obligations, we also share personal data with government authorities.
Storage time
Your personal data will be automatically deleted after 3 years of inactivity. Reporting of Employment and Income Conditions require us to store personal data related to wages/taxes/pension earned/paid while you were employed through us. We follow HR Norway's guidelines regarding the storage of data related to employment relationships.
The transmission of personal data to third parties
If Jobzone discloses personal information with a country outside of EU or the EEA, this will occur in accordance with EUs template agreements for personal information transfer with third party countries, or other agreement in accordance with GDPR chapter 5. This also applies to access to personal information stored in EU or the EEA, if the user with access resides outside of EU or the EEA
Jobzone is not liable for any errors that may occur on this website. Jobzone is not liable for any loss, costs or other consequences that may arise in relation to your use of this website.
You are solely responsible for ensuring that the information you register is correct and valid. You have full responsibility for all the information you register on the website and in our systems.
Jurisdiction and disputes
The use of this website, our recruitment system and any agreements made through the website shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Norwegian law. If there is disagreement between the parties regarding interpretation or legal effects, the parties shall first try to agree through negotiations. If a dispute is not resolved by negotiation, either party may demand the dispute to be settled with final effect in the Norwegian courts.
Changes to the terms and conditions
Jobzone has the right to change these terms and conditions when deemed necessary. By changing the terms we will inform you about the changes and what they mean. You will be notified via your user portal with us, so that you have the opportunity to decide whether you want to continue using the service.
Each user must identify him/herself in order to gain access to his/her user profile. Login information consists of a user name and a password. The password must contain both numbers and letters. All information you enter with us will be encrypted. It is not permitted to in any way perform actions that risk compromising the security of applications or the Personal Data Act's provisions on stored data.
Does it cost anything?
As a user, you may register and submit applications via our website free of charge.